Monday, November 28, 2011

Grief Recovery Workshop is back!

Grief Recovery Workshop at Canton First Friends Church
Tuesdays at 7pm - January 17 - March 6, 2012
$25 registration fee ($30 after Jan. 10th)

My other workshops:

Successful Relationships Workshop
at The Chapel (Akron Campus)
Fridays at 7pm - January 13 - March 2, 2012
In the Auditorium at the Akron Campus
$35 registration fee ($40 after Jan. 4th)

Divorce Recovery Workshop at Dueber Church (Canton)
Mondays at 7pm - March 5 - April 23, 2012
registration fee, tba

The Life You've Always Wanted at NewPointe-Canton
Spiritual Disciplines small group for single adults
meeting at NewPointe Community Church (Canton Campus)
Thursdays at 6:30pm - February 16 - April 19

I Will Come to Your Singles Event!
As you can see, I am guest speaking at various churches.
If your church might be interested in hosting a workshop, visit here:
Eight different 8-week workshops for single adults (or weekend conferences) to choose from. Let's talk!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Power to Choose

We can nurse wounds of having been cheated in life, or we can be grateful and joyful, even though there seems to be little reason for it. It is this power to choose that adds dignity to our humanity. - Gerald Sittser

Recovery Reminders

What I’m experiencing
is normal.

My feelings will constantly change.

I’m in a process that
can’t be hurried.

Grief will not
destroy me.

I will heal.

- Lou-Ann Redmon

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Through it all...

If I never had a problem,
I wouldn't know that God could solve them.
- Andrae Crouch